
UX/UI Trends in 2018

Hesam Dadafarin

We are several months into 2018 and there have been some major shifts in UX & UI trends so far. You want to know more about the newest trends? Let’s talk about some of the most significant ones.

1. Minimalistic Outlines for Icons.

The icons are getting lighter more than ever especially those that are being used in navigation bars and menus. Also, animated icons are super trendy this year. They give a better sense to the user about what’s happening in the process. Animated icons are faster to comprehend, easier to follow and also make an exceptional experience for the user. They would stuck in user’s mind longer than the solid icons. This is a great achievement in the UX process.


2. Material Design Over Flat Design.

“Skeuomorphism is dead”is not that true anymore! Shadows and translucent effects are back to the UI game. Using more effects and complex graphic elements into simple flat inspired material designs has been one emerging trend this year. It is safe to say that the time of simple flat design is over!

3. Contextual & Hidden Patterns.

Placing navigation in tabs, adding floating action buttons, and experimenting with iOS’s 3D-touch technology, etc. have changed the Apps UIs a lot this year. Some argued that these changes would take a longer than normal for smart phone users to get used to, however, after only a few months these features are becoming common in many applications and more popular in the cutting edge designs.

4. Diversity in Color Palette.

Vibrant, contrastive colors, dark backgrounds, and unexpected color transitions is the trend in recent apps and websites. Color palettes are more diverse and the use of elements with shy skeuomorphic feel has been prevalent. Calmer and more minimalistic color palettes also parallelly getting attention. These color palettes are a nice match with other UI trends of this year.

5. Unique Custom Illustrations.

Personalized illustrations create a sense of uniqueness and make the app stands out. They build a discrete brand identity for any business and create strong brand awareness with instant brand recall among the users. These custom illustrations are more time consuming and need more efforts but it adds a huge value to the brand.

UX/UI trends could be missed and lead to unsuccessful/outdated design. If you are considering to build your application or website in 2018 and want to stay ahead of your competition, you must not overlook any of these trends.

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